Maroc Diplomatic: Third Sahara Annual Forum Kicks Off in Rabat

Maroc Diplomatic: Third Sahara Annual Forum Kicks Off in Rabat

The 3rd edition of the annual Sahara Forum, organized by Maroc Diplomatique, kicked off on Friday in Rabat under the theme “Atlantic Facade 2030: A Royal Vision for a New Era of Transcontinental Connection and Prosperity.”

The two-day forum, a platform for exchange and reflection, is attended by eminent Moroccan and foreign personalities from diplomatic, economic and cultural backgrounds.Speaking on this occasion, Maroc Diplomatique Co-founder and Publishing Director Hassan Alaoui welcomed the holding of this event as part of the efforts deployed for the development of Morocco’s southern provinces. He noted that the thematic chosen for this year’s edition highlights the strategic geopolitical position of Morocco, between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

In this context, Alaoui emphasized the undeniable maritime vocation of Morocco along with its maritime history, marked by audacious travels to the Americas since 1737.

“Morocco has never turned its back to the sea. Our history and our development stand witness,” he explained, noting that the move by King Mohammed VI to renovate a marine cemetery in Cape Verde after his enthronement in 1999, constitutes another proof of the Kingdom’s attachment to its maritime heritage.

The MD Sahara Forum forms part of the sovereignist royal vision, encompassing diplomatic, economic and security aspects, he added, noting that it is imperative for Africa to master the Atlantic’s management, in view of current challenges, particularly in maritime security.

For her part, the Co-founding Director General of Maroc Diplomatique, Souad Mekkaoui, underlined that in these times of major transformations and global challenges, the Royal Vision for the Atlantic Façade transcends borders to embrace a Pan-African ambition, weaving innovative strategies for a shared prosperity and extended connectivity.

The initiative, announced by King Mohammed VI in a speech marking the 48th anniversary of the Green March, marks the start of a new era of African cooperation, defining an ambitious future for a united and prosperous “Atlantic Africa”, she noted.

This vision, a true catalyst for change in the geostrategic overview of our continent, stands out not only as a directive for Africa but also as an engagement towards an integrated and inclusive development, fueled by audacity and innovation, she added.

According to Mekkaoui, the Moroccan Royal Initiative inaugurates a new chapter in African development as it launches an audacious strategy which includes economic integration, regional cooperation, and security. By offering a privileged access to Moroccan infrastructure to Sahel countries, this project is destined to revolutionize these countries’ economies, by breaking the geographical barriers and easing their integration to the world economy.

With an avant-garde policy, Morocco is transforming its Atlantic facade into a gateway to deeper African integration, but also as a prelude to an enriched transcontinental dialogue, she said, adding that the Atlantic Façade 2030 vision goes beyond the conceptual to anchor in the strategic, promoting innovation, sustainable development and economic inclusion.

The annual MD Sahara Forum aims to highlight the potential of the Atlantic coastline, stimulate a multi-sectoral dynamic, and explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the Atlantic seaboard, a subject at the heart of the Kingdom’s and Africa’s development strategy.

The Forum’s program includes a ministerial round table, a diplomatic round table, a panel entitled “The Atlantic seaboard 2030: the promise of a strategic turning point”, another entitled “The Atlantic seaboard 2030: a pillar of security, cooperation and development for a shared future in Africa”, and a third panel entitled “Atlantic vision: Morocco at the heart of the African renaissance: shared growth, peace and prosperity.”

According to the organizers, the MD Sahara is a vision for the future, symbolizing a resolutely modern, inclusive and flourishing Morocco, where economy and culture intertwine to move towards a promising future.

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