Rome refuses Polisario’s participation in Italy-Africa Summit, another slap on the face of Algerian rulers

Rome refuses Polisario’s participation in Italy-Africa Summit, another slap on the face of Algerian rulers

The Italian government has excluded the Algeria-backed Polisario separatist group from the Italy-Africa summit, held in Rome, despite the pressure exerted by the Algerian regime which has tried to no avail to buy the support of Rome through discounted gas deals.

The Algerian blackmail strategy of weaponizing its gas supplies to get political gains has totally failed as the Italian authorities have not invited the Polisario armed militia to the summit which is opened only to sovereign States recognized by the United Nations.

Italy’s decision of refusing the participation of a phantom entity means that the deceptive propaganda of the Algerian junta is no longer working as evidenced by the stands adopted by several superpowers including Russia which had excluded Polisario from its first and 2nd Russia-Africa summits.

The latest Saudi Arabia-Africa summit also refused the Polisario’s participation. Seoul has also adopted the same stand for its upcoming Korea-Africa summit, making the Algerian diplomacy buffeted as it is losing credibility and becoming more and more crippled by the Polisario quicksand.


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