DGSN to consolidate achievements, promote international security cooperation in 2024
The General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) is determined, in 2024, to consolidate the achievements made in modernizing and improving police infrastructures and services, to provide an adequate response to citizens’ expectations of the public police service.
The institution also intends to strengthen and enhance international security cooperation, by sharing its experience in the fight against terrorism and organized crime with friendly and partner countries, as well as with various international organizations interested in police work, DGSN points out in its 2023 report.
The creation of an international police training center in the town of Ifrane, which will serve as an advanced training institute for Moroccan executives and their colleagues from the African continent, is among the projects scheduled to be carried out over the coming year, and is currently in the final stages of preparation, the document said.
The center, set up as a regional and international training hub, will be able to host training cycles and workshops moderated by international partners, for the benefit of African police and security executives in Morocco.
The goal assigned to this international center specialized in police training is to implement the far-sighted royal vision aimed at strengthening South-South cooperation relations and consolidating coordination and training mechanisms in the field of security, to support Morocco’s presence and influence in its African and international environment.
The General Directorate of National Security also plans to generalize language teaching centers in various police training schools, and to perfect training techniques in sports security and the management of major events, the aim being to strengthen police capacities and human resources qualifications – as part of a short-term project – so that they are ready for the approach of the world and continental sporting events that Morocco will be hosting in 2025 and 2030.
With the aim of bringing police training institutes closer to the homes of trainees, both men and women, and in support of regionalization, two security training schools will be opened next year in Casablanca and Marrakech, to reinforce the security training scheme currently overseen by the Royal Police Institute in Kenitra and training schools in Tangier, Oujda, Fez, Bouknadel, Fouarat, and Laayoune.
As part of the ongoing project to digitize the National Security’s services and connect them to central databases, the year 2024 will see the complete roll-out to all police districts of the information system for the management of criminal cases and misdemeanors. It will also see the continued digitization of Judicial Police services at national level, in addition to the deployment of mobile teams to issue electronic national identity cards at all regional commands, with the aim of bringing identity document issuance services closer to people living in remote areas.
The National Security also plans to set up regional digital trace analysis laboratories at several police commands, on a decentralized basis.
Regarding the aspects that intersect with citizens’ security and the preservation of their integrity and property, the DGSN reaffirms its commitment to continue efforts to consolidate public safety, reinforce the feeling of security, and improve the services provided to citizens, resident foreigners and tourists, in addition to improving professional and social conditions for the benefit of all members of the National Security family.