Iran, Syria killed more Arabs than Israel did

Iran, Syria killed more Arabs than Israel did

During the Arab-OIC summit in Riyadh, Arab and Muslim leaders denounced the ongoing Israeli targeting of civilians in Gaza and called for a ceasefire and a lasting two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Out of all leaders who spoke at the summit, the Syrian and Iranian regimes showed hypocrisy and drew disdain as they have been involved in the killing of more civilians in the region than Israel.

To stay in power, Bashar Al Assad plunged his country into a civil war killing more than 328,000 people and displacing 14 million people, backed by Iranian militias.

After wreaking havoc through their proxies in Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon, Iranian Mullah sought in vain to stoke tension in Shia-inhabited areas of eastern Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

In Yemen, more than 220,000 innocent people died in the war that outbroke after the violent takeover of the Iran-backed Houthi militias.

Iran extended its schemes to export its “Islamic revolution” using proxies in Africa, including terrorist separatist groups such as the Algeria-hosted Polisario front, which boasts attacking civilians in Morocco’s Sahara territory.

In Palestine, where most of the international community and Muslim leaders advocate a two-state solution, Iran prefers to play a disruptive role, arming proxies such as Hamas to attack Israel, triggering the latter’s violent and indiscriminate attack on civilian facilities leaving scores dead and injured.

The Iranian and the Syrian regimes should have also been condemned along with Israel as far as the indiscriminate targeting of civilians is concerned.

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