Algeria’s Tebboune draws mockery after mishandling figures at the UN

Algeria’s Tebboune draws mockery after mishandling figures at the UN

Notorious for inflating figures, Algeria’s president Tebboune draw mockery to himself and to his military masters when he conflated figures in front of the international community.

During his speech at the UN General Assembly, most seats were empty showing once more Algeria’s standing among the nations.

He once again doubled down on his mistakes saying Algeria will soon have a capacity to desalinate 1.3 billion cubic meters of water daily! This means the whole Mediterranean Sea will dry up in one year!

The inconsistencies of the Algerian presidency add to the repetitive resort to inflated figures and fake news. Tebboune had previously said his country had a growth rate of 20% when he claimed the country’s GDP reached $225 billion last year, whereas the World Bank puts the figure at $190 bln thanks to higher gas prices.

Tebboune and his military masters are so desperate of whatsoever international recognition that would help them to distract their grieving population from their daily woes, queues on basic goods and surging unemployment.

The rejection of Algeria’s membership in the BRICS- which recently admitted 6 countries including Egypt and Ethiopia- was painfully felt by a regime whose voice at home and abroad is resoundingly inaudible.

Tebboune’s General Assembly visit was mainly another failure to campaign for the Polisario cause. In his speech, he stubbornly raised the obsolete referendum plan in the Moroccan Sahara, an option dropped by the UN in its resolutions in favor of a mutually acceptable solution while recognizing the serious and credible character of the autonomy plan.

Tebboune’s participation in the UN General Assembly adds to a series of foreign policy failures by a regionally isolated Algeria led by ageing military regime whose voice is ignored at international fora, including by those they consider allies such as Russia and China.

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