Morocco, Cambodia sign agreement on air services, other deals in the pipeline
Morocco and Cambodia signed, in Rabat on Monday, an agreement on air services meant to promote tourism and trade between the two countries.
The agreement signing took place during the meeting of visiting Cambodian deputy prime minister and minister of Foreign Affairs Prak Sokhonn with Morocco’s Foreign minister Nasser Bourita.
The two officials welcomed the agreement on air services as a means to contribute to the promotion of tourism, business, trade and people-to-people relations between the two countries, a joint statement issued at the end of the meeting said.
The two interlocuters also agreed to speed up the finalization and signing of three other agreements, namely on reciprocal promotion and protection of investments; the elimination of double taxation on income and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance; and on cultural, technical, scientific, and economic cooperation.
These three documents will give a new impetus to economic cooperation, as they constitute a solid basis for the development of trade and investment, reflecting the excellent relations that bind the two countries at the political and diplomatic levels, the joint statement said, announcing that the Cambodian Prime Minister, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, will pay an official visit to Morocco at the invitation of the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch.
According to the joint statement, Prak Sokhonn pointed out that Cambodia welcomes the leadership of King Mohammed VI and his wise policies to ensure the prosperity and stability of the Kingdom. He also expressed admiration for the social and economic development underway in Morocco.
During his talks with Bourita, the Cambodian Foreign Minister affirmed his country’s support for Morocco’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the UN-brokered process to reach a political, negotiated solution to the Sahara issue.
He thanked Morocco for supporting the Cambodian request to obtain the observer status in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and announced his country’s support for Morocco’s election to the Security Council in 2027-28.
Prak Sokhonn paid an official visit to Morocco March 27-28, the first of its kind to Morocco by a Cambodian Foreign Minister.