Morocco: King Mohammed VI launches solidarity operation “Ramadan 1444” to benefit nearly 5 Million people
King Mohammed VI, accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, launched on Friday in Salé, Rabat’s twin city, the national solidarity operation “Ramadan 1444”, initiated by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan. This year’s solidarity operation will benefit nearly one million households or 5 million people, 77% of whom live in rural areas.
On this occasion, the King gave, in a symbolic gesture, baskets of foodstuffs to 10 heads or representatives of families benefiting from the “Ramadan 1444” operation.
This action of generosity, which bears special significance during this blessed month, reflects the King’s constant solicitude towards the populations in situation of social vulnerability and comes to consecrate the values of humanity, solidarity, mutual aid and sharing, characteristics of the Moroccan society.
“Ramadan 1444” operation, mobilizing a budget of 390 million dirhams, is characterized this year by the increase, in accordance with the royal instructions, of the number of beneficiaries, which went from 600,000 households last year to one million, living in 83 provinces and prefectures of the Kingdom.
The Sovereign has also given his instructions to enrich this year the food aid with new products, including rice and milk.
Organized with the financial support of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Endowment and Islamic Affairs, this national operation has become over time an annual occasion to provide assistance and comfort to the most vulnerable layers of society, including widows, the elderly and people with disabilities.
The operation, falling in line with the humanitarian program conducted by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, aims to provide support to those most in need, while promoting the culture of solidarity.
For the smooth unfolding of this operation, thousands of people, including social workers and volunteers, are mobilized at the distribution points set up throughout the country. They will ensure the delivery of food aid to heads and representatives of beneficiary families.
The implementation of the operation is monitored at the level of two committees, one local and the other provincial, which supervise the supply of distribution centers, the identification of beneficiaries and the distribution of foodstuffs. In fact, the identification of the beneficiaries is subject, as every year, to a field work carried out by the local authorities and allowing to evaluate the living conditions of these people and their current situation.
The social services of the Royal Armed Forces, the National Mutual Aid, the National Promotion and the local authorities also lend their support to the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity to ensure the smooth running of this solidarity operation. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the National Office of Food Safety (ONSSA) ensure, for their part, the quality control of food products distributed.
The national operation of food support has, since its launch in 1998, mobilized a total budget of nearly 2 billion dirhams, with the number of beneficiary households having increased from 34,100 in 1998 to one million this year.
The “Ramadan 1444” operation is part of the humanitarian actions and initiatives undertaken by King Mohammed VI to promote the culture of solidarity and to ensure a sustainable human development.