Malian nonuplets, born in Morocco, are six-month-old today

Malian nonuplets, born in Morocco, are six-month-old today

The birth of the nine babies was a world first. The Malian nonuplets born in Morocco are six-month-old this Thursday, November 4 and they are doing well. They are still in Casablanca, Morocco.

As they were very premature, they spent long weeks in an incubator and were under close medical supervision.

Now, the babies are all doing well and the whole family is waiting to go back to Timbuktu, where they are from.

Nine babies born alive from the same pregnancy was never seen before. It was a very high-risk pregnancy for the mother and the infants, born very prematurely by caesarean section on May 4th. But today everyone is doing well. The family is still in Casablanca in Morocco in a medicalized apartment.

In mid-October, Mali’s Minister of Health and Social Development, Diéminatou Sangaré, came to see the whole family in Casablanca to assess the situation and prepare for their return. No date has been set yet.

The father, Abdelkader Arby, is planning a solo trip to Timbuktu soon to comfort his oldest daughter. She is not yet three years old and has not seen her mother for nearly eight months.

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