Moroccan scientists unveil new ventilator

Moroccan scientists unveil new ventilator

Efforts to produce ventilators, key to the treatment of coronavirus severe cases, are adding up with the new invention of 100% Moroccan respiration device last week.

This new ventilator comes after aerospace parts suppliers in the country launched the production of 500 ventilators and are working on a more advanced version for cases requiring intubation.

The device was sponsored by sugar company Cosumar and conducted by a group of scientists from the foundation for research development and innovation (FRDSI) in cooperation with civilian and military doctors.

Dubbed, SIRCOS, the new ventilator offers multiple artificial respirations modes that meet the safety requirements for use in intensive care units, the inventors said in a statement.

The ventilator will enter the stage of industrial production and will be commercialized by a Moroccan company.

Engineers behind this project are currently conducting clinical essays of the new device.

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