Covid-19: Morocco’s pharmacies get 4.5 Mln masks daily
Moroccan pharmacies are supplied daily with 4.5 million facemasks to enable citizens protect themselves against the coronavirus, said minister of industry & trade Moulay Hafid Elalamy.
Speaking at a parliamentary question time on Tuesday, the minister said the country has 7 million masks in stock, which have become compulsory in the North African country since April 7 and a most coveted commodity worldwide with covid-19 outbreak.
These lab-tested and certified masks are produced only by licensed manufacturers who use high-quality and tightly-woven material, added Mr. Elalamy, noting that the number of certified companies selected for this job increased from 17 to 32.
Morocco has boosted its daily production capacity of these masks to seven million masks in a record time, said the minister, underlining their exports are currently examined to boost the country’s economy, while ensuring their availability in local market.
Regarding the Morocco-made ventilators, the minister said the manufacturing of these breathing machines, life-saving equipment for critically ill-covid-19 patients, will be made progressively.
Mr. Elalamy also spoke of the anti-bacterial gels, saying there was at first a shortage of these hand-sanitizers as the disinfectants are made of ethanol while Morocco does not produce chemical compound and the local company which provides it was damaged by a fire incident that occurred 8 months ago.
But the authorities made huge efforts to restart this plant which currently produces 24,000 liters of ethanol per day, affirmed the minister.