Morocco Deplores France’s Lack of Communication on Carcassone Hostage-taker

Morocco Deplores France’s Lack of Communication on Carcassone Hostage-taker

Head of Morocco’s counter-terrorism agency (BCIJ) Abdelhak Khiame wondered why France did not flag up Radouane Lakdim before he moved into action, wreaking havoc on March 23 and taking lives in a supermarket in Trèbes and Carcassonne in southern France.

The chief of Morocco’s FBI deplored the lack of communication by French intelligence authorities on the case of Lakdim who was known for his extremist penchant mixed with involvement in drug trafficking.

Lakdim was under surveillance prior to the hostage-taking on March 23 but Khiame says Moroccan intelligence services were not informed about him.

He said French intelligence agencies usually inform their Moroccan counterparts on potential bi-national terrorists or extremists.

The absence of communication on Lakdim’s case was described as a misunderstanding by Khiame, who said that Moroccan authorities launched a probe that showed that Lakdim has not shown any sign of radicalism.

The latest visit by Redounae Lakdim to Morocco dates back to 2012 during which he raised no suspicion, he said.

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