Morocco: Tourist Arrivals at 9.7 million up to October

Morocco: Tourist Arrivals at 9.7 million up to October

Palace Main Entrance

Young passengers getting out of the airplane.

Tourist arrivals in Morocco up to October 2017 have grown 9% compared to the same period last year to stand at 9.7 million tourists, the tourism ministry said.

International tourist arrivals rose 14% while Moroccans living abroad visiting their homeland jumped 5%, the Ministry said in its latest statistics covering the January-October 2017 period.

Arrivals from main tourist emitting markets showed a 14% increase in German tourists, while the numbers of Dutch, and French tourists grew by 8% and 7% respectively.

As for emerging markets, the ministry noted a 203% increase in Chinese tourists. Following the same positive trend, Japanese tourist arrivals posted a growth rate of 40%.

For their part South Korean, US and Brazilian tourists rose by 33%, 30% and 51% respectively.

By October 2017, Tourism revenues stood at 59.2 billion dirhams, against 56.1 billion dirhams the same period last year, that is a 5.4% increase, the Ministry said.

Morocco is expecting to attract 11 million tourists by the end of 2017 as part of its strategy to attract 16 million tourists in three years.

Tourism, which employs 2.5 million people, was worth an estimated 6.6 % of GDP in 2016.

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