Morocco Hosts EIB MED Conference on Climate Action in the Mediterranean
Climate change is expected to severely impact the MENA region and tackling climate change is therefore a key priority both for the Mediterranean countries’ governments and for their international partners.
After the historic agreement reached in Paris last November and in the run-up to the COP 22 in Marrakech, the European investment bank organizes sept.8th in Moroccan capital city of Rabat an international conference on “Climate Action in the Mediterranean region.”re
The conference will focus on climate change adaptation, mitigation and climate finance. It features three panels: the 1st titled “From Paris to Marrakech – The road travelled since COP21” will look into the progress made since the Paris UN conference on climate up to Marrakech conference (COP22).
The second panel will focus on ways of increasing support for adaptation in the MED region. According to experts, making MED region resilient to climate change requires swift action to assess and reduce the climate vulnerability of different areas and economic activities.
The third panel will debate issues related to climate finance and support of national climate action plans. The experts will highlight the various climate financing tools and advisory services available in the region.
Scheduled in Marrakech on November 8-18, the COP22 will bring together states to strive to reach agreements on reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity, assess the evolution of their commitments and review the implementation of the Framework Convention and other legal instruments.
So far, 197 Parties have adhered to the Convention (196 States and the European Union) including Palestine who joined in March 2016