Morocco freezes public sector hiring due to Covid-19
Head of the Moroccan government Saad Eddine El Otmani asked all public sector administrations to put off hiring new employees until the end of the coronavirus crisis.
In a sign of austerity measures, El Otmani also ordered in a letter delaying all promotions planned in the current budget.
The Prime minister said that the job freeze does not apply to health and security services.
In this connection, the Moroccan royal armed forces have asked nurses and health workers to apply to join the army’s ranks, as military and civilian medicine join efforts to counter the coronavirus in the country.
Morocco has imposed a nationwide quarantine and banned travel between cities. Only critical businesses such as shops and supermarkets selling foodstuff, pharmacies and banks and other essential agencies were allowed to operate.
Morocco has set up a special national response committee to the coronavirus including as well as an economic committee to meet the challenges relating to the pandemic.
The King ordered the creation of a special fund to offset the economic and social impact of the virus and upgrade health service. So far, generous donations from the Moroccan public and private sector flowed to the fund, which has so far garnered more than $3 billion, including state budget contribution.