Tag: William Ruto

Kenya’s Gen Z inspires youth-led protests across Africa, putting leaders in Nigeria, Uganda in panic mode

July 22, 2024

From Nigeria to Uganda, leaders from across Africa are watching closely the youth-led anti-government protests in Kenya that, according to experts, could inspire youth across ... Read More

Kenya’s president dismisses almost entire cabinet amid simmering discontent

July 12, 2024

Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday (11 July) fired almost all the ministers in his cabinet, including the attorney general, with immediate effect and promised ... Read More

Kenya riot police clash with anti-govt protesters amid renewed tax-bill unrest

July 3, 2024

Riot police fired tear gas at protesters in Kenya's capital on Tuesday (2 July) as demonstrations erupted again in several cities across the country over ... Read More

Kenya: Ruto’s U-turn on tax-hike bill after deadly protests likely due to Western pressure

June 27, 2024

Kenyan President William Ruto on Wednesday (26 June) rejected to sign a controversial finance bill into law after peaceful protests turned deadly when protesters stormed ... Read More

Kenyan police deployed for controversial UN-backed peacekeeping mission in Haiti

June 25, 2024

A contingent of 400 Kenyan police officers, the first of a 1,000-strong force, departed early Tuesday (25 June) for a controversial UN-backed mission in Haiti ... Read More

Kenya’s police officers ready to deploy in violence-stricken Haiti in ‘few days, few weeks’

May 20, 2024

Hundreds of Kenyan police officers have been training since late last year as the East African country is preparing to dispatch them as the first ... Read More

Sahara: Time has come for Nairobi to give Algiers the boot

April 9, 2024

Sensing an incoming shift in Kenya’s standing on Moroccan Sahara, Algeria’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf travelled on Monday to Nairobi in a bid to beg ... Read More

Kenya moves closer to seal EPA deal with EU, while also seeking $1bn loan from China

December 28, 2023

As Kenya is moving closer to sealing an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union, the East African economic powerhouse has also announced the ... Read More

Kenya: visiting British monarch expresses “deepest regret” for colonial-era suffering

November 2, 2023

The five-day state visit of King Charles III to Kenya elicits mixed reactions among the country’s people even as the monarch expressed regrets for colonial ... Read More

African leaders attend 3rd Belt and Road Forum in Beijing

October 18, 2023

Some 130 leaders from Africa and other world’s regions have gathered in China for a two-day meeting organized by the Chinese government that marks the ... Read More