Tag: North Kivu

UN report accuses Rwandan troops of fighting with M23 rebels in eastern DR Congo

July 8, 2024

As many as 4,000 Rwandan soldiers were reportedly fighting battles alongside the M23 rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with Kigali exercising significant ... Read More

DRC military court passes death sentence to 25 soldiers for ‘fleeing enemy’

July 5, 2024

A military court in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has sentenced 25 soldiers to death in a one-day trial on Wednesday (3 July) after ... Read More

DRC: calm restored as army foils ‘attempted coup’ involving US, UK plotters

May 20, 2024

Democratic Republic of Congo army foiled an attempted coup early Sunday (19 May), the country's authorities have said, alleging that the coup plotters included some ... Read More

DRC appoints its first-ever female prime minister as violence surges in country’s east

April 2, 2024

The Democratic Republic of Congo's former planning minister Judith Suminwa Tuluka has been appointed as the African nation’s first-ever female prime minister amid worsening security ... Read More

US slams Rwanda for supporting M23 rebels, Kigali rejects to pull out troops, missiles from east DRC

February 20, 2024

The United States has expressed concern about the escalating violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) caused the “Rwanda-backed” armed group M23 and ... Read More

DRC hopes to leverage SADC regional forces to push back M23 rebels

January 18, 2024

The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is reportedly hoping soldiers from the 10-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC) will help it regain ... Read More

Eleven killed in “M23 attacks” in DRC’s North Kivu province

July 17, 2023

At least 11 people were killed Sunday in Democratic Republic of Congo’s province of North Kivu, in the attacks attributed to rebel group M23. The ... Read More

UN peacekeeper killed in attack in DRC as East Africa leaders renew call for ceasefire

February 6, 2023

A United Nations peacekeeper from South Africa was killed in an attack on a helicopter in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Sunday (5 ... Read More

Congo: thousands flee advance of M23 rebels near key city of Goma

November 16, 2022

With fighting between the Congolese army and M23 rebels moving closer to the key city of Goma, thousands of people have been displaced, plunging this ... Read More

Troops, M23 rebels clash in eastern DRC as East Africa bloc announces peace talks

November 15, 2022

Congolese troops and M23 rebels traded heavy fire in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Monday (14 November), just as East African leaders a ... Read More