Sahara: UN Chief highlights Morocco’s diplomatic achievements, holds Algeria accountable & decries Polisario violations

Sahara: UN Chief highlights Morocco’s diplomatic achievements, holds Algeria accountable & decries Polisario violations

The 2024 report submitted lately to the UN Security Council by UN Chief Antonio Guterres highlights the growing international support for Morocco’s autonomy plan under the Kingdom’s sovereignty, affirms that Algeria is a party to the Sahara conflict, and denounces Polisario obstruction of MINURSO mission.

In his new report to the Security Council, expected to renew the mandate of the MINURSO, which expires on October 31, Mr. Guterres says Morocco continues to rally the international community backing for its sovereignty over its Sahara, autonomy plan, and landmark initiatives launched by King Mohammed VI for Atlantic African countries and Sahel countries.

The UN Secretary General cites the letter addressed on July 30 to Morocco’s King by French President Emmanuel Macron, announcing France’s support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and the autonomy plan as “the ONLY basis” to achieve a just, lasting, and negotiated political solution to the Sahara conflict under the Kingdom’s sovereignty.

In his letter to the King, Macron affirms “that the present and future of Western Sahara are within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty.”

On August 14, Chad opened a Consulate in the Moroccan Saharan city of Dakhla, says Mr.Guterres, noting that nearly thirty countries have so far installed diplomatic representations in Morocco’s southern provinces which are witnessing major socioeconomic development driven by modern infrastructures and giant renewable energy projects.

On August 17, the Dominican Republic also announced its intention to open a consulate in Dakhla and reaffirmed support for Moroccan sovereignty over its entire Saharan territory.

In his report, the UN Chief calls on Algeria again to participate in the roundtable talks and shoulder its responsibilities as the country that hosts on its soil Polisario militias and supports them financially, militarily, and diplomatically.

The Polisario Front is obstructing the work of MINURSO, says the UN Chief, recalling the rocket attacks launched end of October 2023 by Polisario against civilians in the Moroccan city of Smara, resulting in the death of a young man and the injury of three others.

Last November and December, the Algeria-backed separatists launched more rockets against civilian zones in Smara, near the local airport and MINURSO site, in blatant provocative acts threatening regional peace and stability.

Mr. Guterres report deplores the human rights violations committed in the Tindouf camps wherein sequestered Sahrawis are suffering from worsening living conditions and are deprived from freedom of movement, assembly, opinion.

Prior to the renewal of the MINURSO mandate, which expires end of October, the Security Council members will discuss the report of the Secretary General and receive briefings by UN Sahara envoy Staffan de Mistura and MINURSO Chief Alexander Ivanko.

A key issue for Council members to consider is how to bring all parties to the negotiating table and reinvigorate the political process, while Algeria continues to refuse to engage in the round-table process in blatant contempt for the international community decisions and resolutions.

This year, Algeria, which is sitting on the Security Council as non-permanent member, will find itself in an extremely uncomfortable position as everybody knows that it is the main stakeholder in the Sahara issue, fueling a proxy conflict against neighboring Morocco, emerging as a key regional and global player.


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