US backs two permanent Security Council seats for Africa

US backs two permanent Security Council seats for Africa

The United States backs a Security Council reform that would offer Africa two permanent seats, Reuters reported, adding that Washington also supports a rotating seat for small island nations.

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield told Reuters however that the new UN Security Council members would not have veto power, which shall remain limited to the five current members.

This came at a context where the US tries to improve its image on the continent and counter rising Chinese and Russian influence there.

African states have for long urged a reform of the Security Council to address the underrepresentation of the continent in global governance.

The arguments in favor of increasing African membership in the council are: repairing the historical injustice of its underrepresentation in global governance, recognizing African contributions in shaping the contemporary world order, and securing the legitimacy of the UN in the face of emerging threats to international peace and security.

The US also backs seats for Japan, Germany, and India.

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