Crown Prince receives Al-Quds children taking part in summer camps in Morocco

Crown Prince receives Al-Quds children taking part in summer camps in Morocco

Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan received, on Friday at the Royal Palace in Tetouan, the children from Al-Quds who are taking part in the 15th edition of the summer camps organized by the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency.

The agency’s initiative, held under the high patronage of King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, reflects the Monarch’s constant support for the Holy City and its inhabitants.

The summer camp reinforces the Agency’s action, dedicated to supporting the Holy City of Al-Quds and its inhabitants through multiple projects that have a significant impact on the population, particularly women, children and people in difficult situation.

Fifty children, girls and boys from Al-Quds, aged 11 to 14, are participating in this 15th edition of the summer camps, named “Yacoub Al-Mansour Al-Mouahidi”. The children are accompanied by 5 supervisors also from the Holy City during the event organized from August 09 to 26.

The activities of the summer camps include educational trips, competitions, entertainment and leisure activities with the participation of Moroccan children, as well as visits to cultural monuments.

During the audience, Al-Quds children handed to Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan a souvenir gift.

They were afterwards invited to a reception given in their honor by King Mohammed VI and chaired by the Crown Prince.

Since its launch in 2008, the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency’s summer camp program has seen a total of 750 children from various districts of the Holy City, accompanied by 75 supervisors, visit different regions of the Kingdom and see for themselves the strength of Moroccans’ solidarity with the Palestinians.

In parallel with the summer camp organized in Morocco, the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency launched the “Summer Schools” program in Al-Quds at the beginning of August, benefiting 4,000 children from the Holy City, spread across 17 schools and clubs in the governorate’s various districts and villages.

This is the first summer camp in the program dedicated to people with special needs, members of the Arab Association for People with Disabilities in Al-Quds.

This summer camp aims to raise awareness of the issue of people with special needs, in particular their integration into society and the strengthening of their social inclusion.

This year’s activities focus in particular on education in the values of shaping the child’s personality, honesty, perseverance, and diligence to contribute to the building of society, while respecting family constants, preserving traditions and customs, and protecting local identity.

The choice of schools was based on compliance with safety and security standards, in order to provide the beneficiary children, aged between 6 and 14, with a stimulating environment in which to unleash their energy and reveal their talents in the fields of sport and art, through 150 workshops in art, drama and games of balance and intelligence, supervised by professional trainers.

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