Spain adopts a new measure concerning Mauritanians transiting through its airports

Spain adopts a new measure concerning Mauritanians transiting through its airports

The Spanish Government has agreed that Mauritanian nationals holding an ordinary passport will require an airport transit visa to transit through the international zones of Spanish airports.

This preventive measure, covered by article 3, paragraph 2, of the European Union’s Schengen visa Code, has been taken in response to recent events at airports throughout Spain, and is aimed at correcting the increase in irregular migratory flows.

The new airport transit visa will come into force on August 28.

From this date onwards, Mauritanian nationals holding an ordinary passport and wishing to take a connecting flight from Spain to a country outside the Schengen area will need to be in possession of an airport transit visa in order to transit through the international zones of these airports.

The measure is reversible and may be reviewed if the situation improves. The new transit visa does not affect Mauritanian citizens who hold a residence visa, or another type of visa, or a residence permit allowing them to enter the Schengen area.


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