Is Tunisia seeking rapprochement with Morocco?

Is Tunisia seeking rapprochement with Morocco?

Relations between Morocco and Tunisia have worsened after a provocative act by Kais Saied regarding Rabat’s sovereignty over the Sahara territory in summer 2022. But in recent weeks, several indicators point to a possible improvement in bilateral ties.

Authoritarian president Saied has ended Tunisia’s neutrality on the Sahara issue when he offered the leader of the Polisario militia a state reception during a Japan-Africa summit in Tunis.

Since then, relations have worsened with Tunisia siding on Algeria’s stillborn anti-Moroccan schemes, including a regional union that excludes Morocco.

However, signs of a Tunisian attempt to mend ties with Morocco with whom it has a trade surplus have recently recurred.

Tunisia’s foreign minister Nabil Ammar met head of the Moroccan government Aziz Akhannouch, on the sidelines of the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Tunisian media, Tuniscope, said the two officials discussed economic cooperation and political ties.

Prior to that, on the Throne Day, Tunisian solidarity and family minister gave a speech at the Moroccan embassy auguring well for bilateral ties’ improvement.

She called for the resumption of joint committees in order to “promote cooperation between Tunisia and Morocco, which would not only benefit the brotherly ties and mutual interests of the two countries but would also act as a genuine lever for a joint Maghreb action,” she said.

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