Sahara: Chad opens consulate in Dakhla, dealing another blow to Algeria & Polisario

Sahara: Chad opens consulate in Dakhla, dealing another blow to Algeria & Polisario

The Republic of Chad has joined the list of countries which have installed consulates in the Moroccan southern provinces, a diplomatic move confirming the Moroccanness of the Sahara.

On Wednesday, Chad’s foreign minister Abderaman Koulamallah and Moroccan peer Nasser Bourita chaired the opening ceremony of a Consulate of this African country in the city of Dakhla, pearl of Moroccan Sahara.

The inauguration of this new Consulate reflects the strong relations existing between the two African countries sharing a common history based on ties of brotherhood and solidarity gaining momentum under the leadership of King Mohammed VI and President Mahamat Idriss Deby.

In a joint statement issued on this occasion, Chad’s reiterated its steadfast support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and reaffirmed its recognition of the Kingdom’s full sovereignty over its entire Saharan territory.

The opening of Chad’s consulate in Dakhla brings up to 29 the total number of countries having diplomatic representations operating in Morocco’s southern provinces.

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