DRC: Rebel leader and associates handed death Sentence in military court

DRC: Rebel leader and associates handed death Sentence in military court

A Congolese military court has handed down death sentences to 26 individuals, including Corneille Nangaa, the leader of the rebel coalition Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC). The high-profile trial, which was televised, found Nangaa guilty of war crimes, insurrection, and treason. Nangaa and 19 others were sentenced in absentia, as they remain at large.

The AFC, launched in December, aims to unite armed groups, political parties, and civil society against Congo’s government. It includes the notorious M23 group, accused of mass killings in eastern Congo’s long-standing conflict.

President Felix Tshisekedi and international experts have accused Rwanda of supporting M23, a claim Rwanda denies. However, Rwanda recently admitted to having troops in eastern Congo for security reasons.

The court’s decision coincides with a newly announced ceasefire between Congo and Rwanda, mediated by Angola. However, fighting has already resumed near the Ugandan border, casting doubt on the truce’s durability.

Some analysts suggest the death sentence against Nangaa could be leverage for future negotiations with Rwanda or armed groups. The conflict in eastern Congo has led to one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with over 100 armed groups fighting for control of mineral-rich lands and causing widespread displacement and human rights violations.
As the region grapples with ongoing violence and political tensions, the effectiveness of such harsh sentences in bringing stability remains to be seen.

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