French political class welcomes Paris new position in support of Morocco’s sovereignty over Sahara

French political class welcomes Paris new position in support of Morocco’s sovereignty over Sahara

The French political class largely welcomed the new position expressed by President Emmanuel Macron in support of the autonomy proposal under Morocco’s sovereignty as the only solution to the Sahara conflict.

Most of the French political leaders, including in the left, welcomed the decision as conducive to strengthening French Moroccan ties and contributing to finding a lasting solution to a conflict that has long-lasted.

In any democracy however, unanimity is ruled out. Most criticism to the new French unambiguous position in backing Morocco’s territorial integrity came from some members of the left, communists and green politicians.

Support for Macron’s Western Sahara move came also from ardent opponents of the President like Marine le Pen, head of RN at the assembly and the party that won most votes in the recent European elections.

“The French government has been too slow to recognize Morocco’s decades-long steady commitment to stability and security in Western Sahara, an integral part of the Cherifian kingdom. We must support all the pragmatic initiatives of the Moroccan authorities that will make it possible to consolidate peace in this territory,” le Pen wrote on X.

A similar position was expressed by another right-wing politician leader and head of LR political party, Eric Ciotti.

“I am delighted with President Macron’s progress on this essential issue. I hope that this declaration will result in an indispensable and lasting rapprochement with our Moroccan friend,” he said, adding “long live the French-Moroccan friendship.”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Head of the left coalition LFI and NFP, which won the snap elections, has yet to make his position public. In 2023, he had said that “loving Morocco, meant subscribing to the legacy of the Green March.”

Prominent NFP winner in the recent snap elections Karim Ben Cheikh, welcomed the French position which he said he “defended for a long time.”

“The proposal for autonomy in the Sahara is the only realistic solution which makes it possible to address the issues of development, security and regional stability, for the benefit of the local populations,” Karim Ben Cheikh said in a statement.

Several experts and academics have also welcomed France’s move, noting that French President’s support for Morocco’s Sovereignty over its Sahara is clear, irreversible and a step in the right direction.

Jérôme Besnard, professor of law at the Paris Cité University, said in this vein that this position by France does justice to Morocco and its Sovereigns “since the current situation is a consequence of the errors of colonial policy with regard to border delimitation.” He argued that the decision will help to bring about a definitive settlement of one of the oldest international conflicts still being debated at the UN, and that France’s support would “lay the foundations for enhanced economic and security cooperation between the countries of the European Union and Morocco”.

France’s decision to support Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara region puts the relationship between the two countries back on track, geopolitics expert Emmanuel Dupuy on his part commented.

“This is a positive evolution of France’s long-awaited stance, which previously lacked sufficient clarity and coherence compared to Morocco’s position,” president of the Institute for Prospective and Security in Europe (IPSE) said, adding that the French government has now aligned its policy with the hundreds of other countries that recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara.

Dupuy, who is professor of law at the Paris Cité University, expressed confidence that this move will encourage other European countries to join the growing international support for Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara.

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