China’s Hailiang, Shinzoom to join Morocco’s EV battery ecosystem

China’s Hailiang, Shinzoom to join Morocco’s EV battery ecosystem

China’s copper foil producer Hailiang and anode maker Shinzoom signed a deal with Tanger Tech to build two plants for a total investment close to $1 billion, adding to a list of Chinese electric battery investors in the Kingdom.

Hailiang signed a deal with Tanger Tech to build a copper factory for a total cost of $450 million over 30 hectares. The project will offer 1800 jobs, said Tanger Tech in a statement.

Hailiang, a leader in automotive copper pipes, has generated $30 billion in revenue in 2022, thanks to its 22 production sites across the world.

For its part, Shinzoom signed a deal to build an anode plant worth $460 million over 20 hectares, a project that will offer 2000 jobs.

Shinzoom has been producing anodes for lithium batteries, key to the rapidly growing electric car industry.

The projects confirm Morocco’s attractiveness to Chinese electric battery manufacturers after BTR New Material Group and CNGR Advanced Material received government approval to build cathode plants in the country.

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