Benin detains Nigerian journalist on terrorism charges

Benin detains Nigerian journalist on terrorism charges

Beninese police have arrested and detained Nigerian journalist Damilola Ayeni, the editor of the Foundation for Investigative Journalism and Social Justice (FIJ), who is likely to face terrorism charges, the Nigerian non-profit organization reports.

The journalist was detained August 31 in Parakou, a northern Benin city.

The FIJ said its editor was on a trip to Benin for the second leg of fieldwork on a Nigeria-Benin environmental journalism report but the police have labelled him a jihadist and is set to appear this Friday September 8 in a court in Porto Novo for terrorism charges.

He was, according to Benin authorities, arrested in Penjari [sic] Park in northern Benin and risks 10 to 20 years in prison if found guilty. Benin has been struggling with terrorism activities in its northern regions. The attacks have claimed lives of dozens of people including security forces.

The FIJ also claims the police requested a bribe of 800,000 CFA ($1,300) to release Damilola Ayeni.

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