Family Code Revision: Morocco’s King refers proposals to Higher Council of Ulema

Family Code Revision: Morocco’s King refers proposals to Higher Council of Ulema

King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, gave on Friday instructions to the Council to examine the proposals put forward by the Body in charge of revising the Family Code, based on the principles & precepts of Islam and its tolerance, and to submit a Fatwa in this regard to the Sovereign’s appreciation.

A statement issued by the Royal Office said this referral comes after the Body in charge of revising the Family Code accomplished its mission within the deadline and submitted the proposals to the high appreciation of the Monarch.

As some proposals are related to religious texts, the Sovereign has decided to refer the matter to the Higher Council of Ulema, which is, in accordance with Article 41 of the Constitution, the only body entitled to issue officially approved Fatwas, added the statement.

The Sovereign called on the Higher Council of Ulema to take into account, during the elaboration of its Fatwa, the content of the Royal Letter addressed to the Head of Govt., which calls for adopting the virtues of moderation, open, and constructive Ijtihad, while taking into consideration the norm repeatedly advocated by the King in order to avoid permitting what is forbidden or forbid what is halal.


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