Scandal: Polisario Chief & Algerian Regime Facing Legal Action in Spain for Unpaid Medical Bills

Scandal: Polisario Chief & Algerian Regime Facing Legal Action in Spain for Unpaid Medical Bills

Polisario chief Brahim Ghali, who received in 2001 life-saving medical treatment in Spain, had left the European country without paying racked up bills of 45,658 euros for intensive care, medications, and services provided during his 44-day stay in hospital.

After contracting Covid-19, Head of the Polisario armed militia was smuggled into Spain by the Algerian regime with forged travel documents and false identity to escape Spanish justice for war crimes, rape, and grave rights violations committed in Tindouf camps, southern Algeria.

The secret operation, which was conducted in connivance with ex-Spanish FM Arancha Gonzalez Laya, sparked serious diplomatic spat between Rabat and Madrid.

According to Spanish newspaper “La Razón”, the San Pedro hospital in Logroño has not received so far the payment for the medical treatment & services provided to the Polisario leader who was admitted to intensive care under the name of “Ben Batouche”.

The local authorities of “La Rioja” province, northern Spain, have run out of patience. They have waited for nearly 4 years for the invoice to be paid but in vain.

After getting nothing but crickets, time has come for the plaintiffs to take the defaulters to Court to recover the Spanish tax-payers money. The decision of “La Rioja” authorities to go after Polisario chief and Algerian regime to collect the payment is an embarrassment for the ruling junta in Algiers.

The scandal comes as Algerians are suffering from thirst, acute shortage of drinking water, food, flour, milk, cooking oil…amid deepening social and political crises, while the ruling corrupt and feckless generals are interested only in retaining control and defending their personal interests in a rapidly changing world, ushering in new geostrategic shifts.


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