Estonia joins growing list of supporters of Morocco’s autonomy plan for Sahara

Estonia joins growing list of supporters of Morocco’s autonomy plan for Sahara

Estonia became the latest European county to back Morocco’s autonomy plan as a “serious and credible basis” for a lasting solution to the Sahara conflict.

“Estonia considers the autonomy plan, presented in April 2007 by Morocco to the Secretary General of the UN, as a good, serious, and credible basis for a lasting solution to the issue of the Moroccan Sahara,” a joint statement issued after talks in Rabat this Monday between Moroccan foreign minister Nasser Bourita and his Estonian peer Margus Tsahkna said.

The Estonian official backed the UN efforts to reach a fair political, feasible, lasting, and mutually acceptable solution to this conflict.

The statement also stressed the exclusive character of the UN process to settle this dispute, while recalling the need to respect the states’ sovereignty and territorial integrity in line with the UN Charter.

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