Naval Academy Commander assassinated near Tripoli

Naval Academy Commander assassinated near Tripoli

On September 1 evening, Abdulrahman Milad, also known as “Al-Bidja,” the Commander of the Naval Academy in Libya, was assassinated by gunmen as he was leaving the academy in Sayyad, located west of Tripoli.
In response to the assassination, protests erupted in Zawiya, Milad’s hometown, where demonstrators blocked the coastal road. The former head of the High Council of State, Khaled Al-Mishri, expressed his condolences for Milad’s death and called for those responsible for the killing to be brought to justice.
Milad had been implicated in a 2018 UN report for his involvement in human trafficking and human rights abuses and was subsequently sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury that same year. Although he was arrested in 2020 following an Interpol notice, he was released in April 2021. His assassination has prompted calls for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death.

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